Thursday, March 29, 2012

A-Z | RAARR exhibition

The RAARR exhibition (pronounced RAAARRRGHHHH!) is an exhibition of 22 commissioned drawings of animals by some of the worlds leading illustrators. The twist… they weren’t aloud to draw the head or face; instead this was the job of 22 school children. The young felt-tip wielding children added their own personal touch to the illustrations by adding heads, colours, limbs and anything else they could imagine.

The result of this unique and intriguing project can be seen below....

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

A-Z | Quentin Blake

A new exhibition at the Foundling Museum showcases recent work of one of Britain’s most successful and best loved illustrators, Quentin Blake.

The Exhibition showcases over 60 works commissioned by 4 hospitals. Blake’s aim was to create work that would make being in or visiting hospital a “less alien” and more of a normal experience. “What I have tried to include is a certain amount of detail, some interesting activities, and some suggestions of the little drama of relationships, so that the viewers - especially any who have to wait - may feel the desire to go on looking and perhaps even 
to speculate about the stories happening in front of them."

The illustrations are in 4 separate hospitals and took 5 years to complete. The first was Planet Zog for The Alexandra Avenue Health and Social Care Centre in South Harrow. This hospital cares for young children so Blake wanted to create an alien planet to fit the alien feel of going to the hospital. Blake cheekily reversed the roles of doctors and aliens to make the patients and visitors feel more at ease with going to the hospital and maybe seeing the doctors in a different more fun light.